Return for ForPalestine

We strive to make the return process as simple as possible for you.

Please make sure you have your order number to hand, which you can find in your order confirmation. It consists of 4 digits.

If you prefer to exchange for another product or fit, simply contact us in "contact us" on the website, or contact us at .

Return Policy - Please read this before returning

Please note the following conditions when returning:

We do not accept returns of products if they:

  • Not in new condition (used for other than trying the fit)
  • Broken packaging
  • Has a strong perfume or smoke smell
  • Has been washed
  • Has animal fur
  • Not packed properly
  • Violation of various labels

You have 14 days right of return from the date of receipt. If this deadline is exceeded, we unfortunately cannot offer a return or exchange, and you will not be able to log into the return portal.


If you experience a defect or error with a product and wish to advertise, please send an e-mail with pictures and order number to:

Return costs

However, we offer returns at the buyer's expense

Questions about returns?

If you have questions or are in doubt about the process, you can find detailed instructions in our chatbot. You are also welcome to contact us at or under contact us on the website.

Our customer service can be contacted in the following ways:

Phone: Unfortunately not at this time.


Last updated on 22-02-2024


For purchases over DKK 1000, shipping is free